
about me

hey, i'm zero0zero. as i said on the homepage, i'm a 19-year-old dork from the uk. i studied games design at college -- which is totally being put to good use.

i love music. if there's one single thing i can't ever shut up about it's music (or maybe doctor who). you'll probably see that in action in the music section. some of my alltime favourite artists/bands are:

i also like videogames, whenever i get the motivation to play them. i've been playing videogames for as long as i can remember, which was probably playing surivalcraft or stickrpg as a little kid with no money. course, my core memories are playing mw2 with my older brother whilst he had panic! at the disco playing in the background (who i later discovered and recognised from those cod sessions). my favourite videogames include:
